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St Michael's 200 Club


Our medieval village church is a wonderful and much loved resource based in the heart of the village. Used for generations, it is a focal point for worship, celebrations, weddings, baptisms and funerals.


Although the Parish Council generously gives £500 towards maintaining the churchyard, the church receives no other outside funding or grants of any sort towards insuring, maintaining and keeping the church open for everyone to enjoy. The 200 club will work like a simple lottery and will be a major source of income to help support the church after two very fallow years due to the pandemic. By joining the club not only do you get to support the church, but you have a ‘bit of a flutter’ whilst doing it!


So how does it work? Very simply, the 200 Club works by asking around 200 people to enter the draw for just £1 per month (paid annually at £12 per year) You fill in the membership form, with the options to pay your annual subscription by standing order, cash or cheque (you must be aged 16 years or over). We suggest Standing Order as the most convenient method. One subscription buys one membership number, which we will allocate. This is then valid for 12 months, and you are automatically entered into the draw, which takes place on the 4th Sunday of every month after the church service. Winners will be notified via email and the results posted on the noticeboard. You can buy more than one subscription if you like ~ up to a maximum of 4 per household.


The prize money is  £25 for a first prize win, £15 for a second and £10 for third, except in December when the prizes rise to £50, £30, and £20 respectively.  The prize money will be £650 a year with the remaining funds going towards St Michael’s to help with day-to-day costs.


So what’s to lose?! Why not sign up to day and help support our historic 900-year old church in the centre of our village.



Bank Sort Code    60-05-22

Account                71255826

Account name:     Compton Martin Parochial Church Council

                                   (some bank payments need this to check beneficiary!)

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