William Webb Charity

Visitors to St Michael’s, Compton Martin may have noticed a donations board in the base of the tower. This dates back nearly 300 years and celebrates collecting monies to help the poor of the village.
Back then, there was no such thing as ‘Social Security’ or pensions and where the destitute ended up in ‘The Workhouse’ (ours was in Clutton!).
The William Webb Charity was established to help the ‘Second Poor’ or ‘Poor ancient housekeepers’! None of these terms apply today and the Trustees have obtained permission from the Charity Commission to change the Charity’s objects to ensure that the annual income of £350 can be given away. The Trustees recognise that this a small sum, nevertheless, it has the potential to do some good in the village of Compton Martin.
Chairman of Trustees, Dr Axel Palmer said “This is an example of how people’s generosity can endure for many years – I am sure all those years ago William Webb and his supporters could not envisage being of help to the village all these years later.”
“While the definitions of poor may have changed and the state takes a major role there is an opportunity, maybe, to help children in their endeavours, so that is why we have changed the objects of the charity.”
“The Trustees are open to requests – the best way would be by email to: williamwebb@combefarm.co.uk.”
Charity Objects:
The prevention or relief of poverty in the village of Compton Martin by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.
For the public benefit to promote the education (including social and physical training) of people under the age of 25 years living in the village of Compton Martin in such ways as the charity trustees think fit.